Electronics projects, craft and DIY, a little bit of everything.
3D printed emulation computer case
I designed and built a custom case for a new emulation station
Little conversational robot - the Eyes
First part of a new project, building a small conversational/AI robot. We start with the eye mechanism.
Freeform LED clock with GPS
Another clock! I guess we can’t have too many of those. Freeform LED clock running on ATTiny85 and GPS.
Freeform VFD clock
Freeform brass rod clock using a Russian made IVL2-7/5 VFD and based on ATTiny84 controller IC. Includes info and schematics!
Hank’s dinner time
It’s time for dinner and a stroll for Hank, the desert tortoise. Just a cute video.
Electromagnetic clock
Electromagnetic flip clock powered by magnetic coils, with automatic GPS time.
Aluminum extrusion assembly table
A few photos of a workshop assembly table built with aluminum extrusions.
MiSTer FPGA build in C64X case
A build log for a project to turn a replica C64 box into an FPGA based classic emulator.