Dual LED breather

Not a ton here but a fun little exercise as I got inspired by people like Mohit Bhoite to try my hand at freeform wiring, and really enjoying it.

This is a little dual LED breather based on a 555 timer IC.

Doing a single LED breather or a dual blinker is easy, but it was little more challenging to get the 2 LEDS to breathe in sync like this (without a microcontroller, obviously). Figured it out using an arrangement of 2 transistors, one NPN, and one PNP, and a set of resistors with some trial and error to get the frequency and timing as I wanted.

Main resistor in the middle is 68k. Caps are 3x 10uF.

1/32 inch (about 0.8mm) brass rods.


Freeform VFD clock


Frankenstein Monster paint job